About Us
Our Approach
Our Approach
Our President And Ceo Tells People: “Don’t Worry About Making A Lot Of Money, Concern Yourselves, And Spend Your Time Serving Your Client’s Needs. The Money Will Take Care Of Itself.” That Sounds A Lot Like Zig Ziggler, Who Said: “Give People What They Want And You Will Always Have What You Want.”
Our Story
Our Story
“Hello, My Name Is John Dumke, Sr. And You Are Probably Asking Two Questions Right Now. Who Is BottomLine Concepts? And What Makes It Special?
First, I Have Over 50 Years’ Experience In The Field Of Sales And Marketing And Over 45 Years In Sales Management. What I Have Seen Is That The Most Successful Companies Whether They Are Providing A Service Or Selling Products, Are The Ones That Serve The Customer First And Foremost.
My Son Chris And I Have Spent The Last 14 Years In One Cause, To Provide The Best Financial Service Possible To Our Clients In The Business Arena. We Help People In Two Areas: Save On Expenses And Increase Income. Some Of Our Clients Use Just One Of Our Services, Some Use All Services Offered. They All Like Having Just One Contact Person For All Their Questions, And We Treat Everyone As The Very Important People They Are.
In This New Time Of Extraordinary Changes In The Market Place And In Marketing Venues, We At BottomLine Concepts Are Leading The Way With The Latest Technology In Credit Card Processing And With Our “Cost Plus Cost” Program, our little to no cost bad debt collections, and our FREE bad check collection service. No Matter the Size Of Your Company, You Will Be Treated As A VIP, With Rates To Match. How is that possible? These are some of the benefits you enjoy when you become a member of BottomLine Concepts.
How did we do it?
(1) Credit card processing: Through our affiliates, Elavon, the 4th largest processor in America, and Trinity Payment Systems we get you the best possible rates based on your activity. No one beats us head to head! A membership benefit!
(2) Bad check collections: Our affiliate, Mastercheck will collect your returned checks FREE of any cost to you! We collect and keep the state allowed fee which is paid by the check writer. If it goes to legal, (your option), we will pay all legal fees and court costs out of the State allowed fees and 50% of the face amount of the check Another membership benefit!
(3) As a member of BottomLine Concepts, our affiliate, TCA will collect your accounts without you paying a big up-front fee or giving up 50% or more of your money for the service!
(4) Our Simple Solution:
Day 1-10 the money goes to you without any cost
Day 11-30 The collection fee is only 10%
Day 31-60 The collection fee is only 20%
Day 61-240 The collection fee is 25%
Day 241 and beyond the collection fee is only 30%
Legal; If the account goes to legal the fee is 40%
If you are not currently compliant with The Fair Debt Collection Act, we help you become compliant, so that you can have our collection fees charged to the debtor, up to 30%. After all, why should you have to give up your hard earned money just to get the money you already earned?
Regards, Enjoy Life And Help Others.”
— John H. Dumke, Sr.
Meet the Team
We are very dedicated to our members and try to find the best solutions to their questions, concerns or needs.

John Dumke
Founder & CEO
John has been is sales for most of his professional life. He enjoys spending time with his family, talking to people, and is a published author of Christian literature. He and his wife Nita Raye celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on April 14,2016.

Sarah Jenkins
Director of Merchant Services
Sarah comes to us from a local convenience store chain. She has 25 years of answering customer, employee and executive questions about the entire credit card process, as well as over saw the installation of new terminals and training for those new terminals. She is now BottomLine Concepts go to gal who handles all questions, and concerns and any problems from our members.